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Bit791 E-Business Technologies - Free Assessment Answers

1.Explain the application of fundamental technologies and protocols to new business systems and services with focus on evolution of e-business surrounding ICT developments.
2.Explore the function of standards and the role of standard bodies in the standard-making process.
3.Describe the opportunities and challenges associated with conducting e-business.
4.Evaluate the security issues associated with conducting e-business transactions and the methods and techniques used to mitigate the attendant risks.
5.Analyse case studies illustrating a range of various models and the business strategies behind the deployment of web services.
6.Evaluate Business Process Modelling (BPM) and various design tools in relation to e-business technologies.



E-business technology and tools are widespread in the market as they enable the firm to take part in all the external activities. E-business technology offers a new way of conceiving the business. It helps in building the organisation in such a way that all operations are done in an organised way. E-businesses are a new form of working experience that includes all the transactions and the operations are completed by using internet. They help the business in finding out the best practise and also performing a comparative analysis of new business models. The new technology can also be implemented in an organisation by the use of e-business. This report also consists of a detail study about business process modelling and the various tools that hare used by an organisation in e-business model. The case study is considered by Fluency English Services Ltd. (FESL) is English teaching company that is in New Zealand which have employs staff in USA and New Zealand. Thus, there are various IT setup used by the organisation that involves a file based customer database and Linux-based Structured Query Language database that contains all the detailed information. There was various issues face by the company like it lacks expertise in up gradation of its database system. For this web services are used so that they can provide benefits to the organization.

Analysing the case study

Deployment of web service

If considering the case of FESL they lack in various management sector as they require an expert that can manage the up gradation in the database system by offering them leverage to the organisation. Before deploying any web service in the organisation all the components are reviewed and they plan in a way to make all the operations robust. The company operates in different country thus a flexible mode of communication is also needed. The data is stored in a centralised databases system. Thus, whenever the change occur in the system it is necessary that the information gets changed at every location. Otherwise, it may cause data integrity issue. The information should be updated at every location so that ubiquity is not faced by the organisation. The web services are deployed after a proper planning (Bucharest, romania, 2016). Once the web service is decided the compatibility is checked with the environment. As there are many software’s and platforms used by the web services. It is important to assure that all the software’s are compatible working together. There are many consequences that are faced by FESL, like the existing web services that are used for pertaining new and existing customers and for managing the information of all the staffs do not meet the specification o the new web services. Thu, before introducing new service it is necessary to check its compatibility (Mastersportal, 2016). Once all the challenges are identified, it is necessary to develop the web service application that can support the organisation to share their information among all the clients. The organisation is expanded in many countries and information is shared among all. Web services support the company in making the decisions faster and completing the operations in a reliable way (Mastersportal, 2016). FESL also deploys web services to take advantage of all the web addressing frameworks. They act as an internal expert for the organisation by mapping the data at the proper destination and making use of external web services. The web services act like a service gateway as they host the organisation internally by linking it to all the external web service (Rospocher, Ghidini & Serafini, 2014). They support automatic transaction between the clients and the company. As in case of, Fluency English Services Ltd. (FESL) there are clients of US and New Zealand thus there a web service that is required to offer feasibility. The deployment of web services offer benefits to the organisation as they allow wider reach and facilitate them for innovating new ideas. Thus a predictive model is deployed for the web service operationalization. It uses a predicable nature for designing the operations (Alotaibi, 2016). The basic traits are found so that features and working of the organisation is easily identified. This model works over some steps, initially it helps in creating a machine learning workplace so that a new experiment is created. The model is evaluated future by using all the tools so that web services are accessible easily. This tool is beneficial for predicating the platform of the working and making sure that interoperability is maintained. It is a messaging framework that is used to manage the application and all the standards (Khdair,  Awad & Othman, 2017). It is a new paradigm that is used for distributing the application over the network. It is a new trend that helped in distributing their services heterogeneous over the network. It supports the organisation to have a dynamic e-commerce platform. The main objective of this model is to solve the interoperability so that all the operations are smooth. It helps modelling all the services and making the operations automatic (Milani,  Dumas, Ahmed & Matulevi?ius, 2016). It deploys the system in which all the tasks like crediting the salary in different currency is done automatic without the need of manual efforts. The web service is a sole component of an organisation as they it make the things easy and flexible.

Business Process Modelling 

Business Process Modelling refers a way of designing a process so that business is understood clearly and in a presided way. It is a combination of various business process model and notation that are used to set up possible alteration. The business process modelling is a simple representation of the process in the form of flow charts, Gantt chart that is used to provide a visual view. It depicts eh entire scenario by showcasing the process in which business works and its current situation (Reijers,  Mendling & Recker, 2015). The business process modelling helps in have a clear vision so that plans are defined in an appropriate manner. Business process modelling is basically used by an organisation to visualize the documents and working on it so that improvement can be done. It basically represents all the activities, events and resources so that they are used in an efficient way to improve the productivity.

Business process modelling is used to create a visual model for all the operations so that a clear a picture is created about the processes (Kalibatiene,  Vasilecas & Rusinaite, 2015). The new business strategies also can be aligned in a proper way through Business process modelling as it figures out all the changes and make them consistent so that overall organisational strategy is not affected. Business process modelling also improves the process of communication by formalizing the existing task and ensuring that appropriate changes are made and new initiatives are supported (Quix,  Chakrabarti, Kleff & Pullmann, 2017). Business process modelling improves the operational efficiency by promoting the simulation so that resources are utilized in a right manner. It also supports the organisation in gaining competitive advantage. This improves efficiency that will help the organisation to bet the competitors and make a positive brand image. Business process modelling is also supportive for developers and software engineers as it helps the stakeholders to understand the system and negotiate with them accordingly. It helps in bringing out the optimal solution that is beneficial for both the organisation and employees (de Oca,  Snoeck, Reijers & Rodríguez-Morffi, 2015). Business models are an important part of an organisation and are an existing part of the organisation architecture. The Business process modelling includes behavioural, organizational, and informational processes.

The functional perspective shows that the processes of businesses are performed in a right direction. It also offers a dynamic view of point by inter relating all the processes and making sure that information is relevant (Reggio Leotta, Clerissi & Ricca, 2017). The organisational processes are also performed by using business process modelling. They integrate the operations so that workflow is maintained. The business processes covers all the active and passive goals that are related to the nature of process flow.  Many experts consider that business process modelling is a right approach as they introduce the web service by deploying in the workflow (Schiele,  Laux & Connolly, 2015). There are various approaches for a business to follow their business process modelling like data flow techniques, flow charts and many other diagrams.

Business process modelling is important as it align all the operations by bringing up new strategies. It supports the managers so that they can bring up consistency in the processes and making sure that are completed accurately. Business process modelling also helps in analysing the existing processes and improving them so that performance is enhanced. It also offers a unified way of communication (Schiele,  Laux & Connolly, 2015). Apart from that, it minimizes the potential danger to make sure that businesses do not experience any failure. Every organisation keeps business process modelling on its highest priority as it supports the business by offering a proper navigation. It improves the consistency and traceability of the business operations. Business process modelling helps in linking u the idea with the implementation part (Geissdoerfer,  Bocken & Hultink, 2016). Apart from that, one main thing that has increased the importance of business process modelling is identifying bottlenecks and inefficiencies in the processes so that improvement could be done. Business process modelling is a way in which processes are formalised and executed in a consistent manner.

Business uses process modelling to map their current processes by creating baseline and then finding the loopholes in the processes where improvement could be done. It is basically performed to improve the efficiency and quality of business operations (Abdullah & Ward, 2016). From all the research, it can be clearly stated that business process modelling is an important part for an organisation as it improves the process of communication. The organisation have offices in many different counties thus, Business process modelling assures that flow of information go smoothly. It also assures that processes are handled smoothly (Geissdoerfer,  Bocken & Hultink, 2016). The key reason of success in an organisation is Business process modelling as it maintains the consistency and control over the business. It filters all the processes that are not consistent and effective. The overall operational efficiency is improved as it supports the organisation to achieve the best possible outcomes so that resources are used effectively. It also helps business to gain competitive value in the global market.  Business process modelling also helps to elucidate difficult processes. As in case of, FESL there are various nested and sub processes that are not managed properly. in that situation Business process modelling simplifies the process and making sure that they operate in an accurate way.

In the present situation, it is found that businesses are moving more towards automation and they are less reliable on manual efforts. Business process modelling makes the business processes and operations automatic so that all the repeatable operations can be done automatically (Abdullah & Ward, 2016).  Business process modelling is basically used to deal with the complex situation. As it takes the final decision by looking at the process from all the angles so that loopholes can be discovered. It also helps in analysing the business and finding out an alternative plan that could be used in case of failure.

It is used to map the dependent processes so that overall scenario could be improved. The main purpose of Business process modelling is to improve the implementation (Wan, Li, Gao, Roy & Tong, 2017). In case of FESL there are many teams who are performing same process but with different perception thus it helps in enforcing the best practise in the system that meets the standardization. Business process modelling is an essentially way of standardizing the operations by flowchart mapping that uses objects to define the methodology rather than using individuals.

Various design tools that are used in e-business technologies

There are various tools that are undertaken by the company to maintain their e-business. Some of the tools that can be used to make business process models work in a well-defined manner. The live chat concept could be used by FESL so that proper customer service is offered to them. It supports the business to deal with the customers in an effective way. Live chat tool makes the business operations easy by guiding the customers step by step so that processes get completed effectively (Wan, Li, Gao, Roy & Tong, 2017). The other tool is mento that can be used for increasing the overall marketing sale of the company. The feature of these tools offers clear e-commerce integration. They help the organisation to schedule all the process on time. The other e-technology that can be used is MailChimp, it allows organisation to create automated follow ups (Mazzarol, 2015). It eventually improves the performance by targeted the people and offering opportunities to business so that they can expand their business. It makes the operations to get completed in a simple way.

There are various design tools that are used in e-business technologies; one such is Trello that offers a great interface to the organisation that helps in visualizing the outflow of the processes (Yee-Loong Chong,  Ooi,  Bao & Lin, 2014). Trello helps in managing and organising things in an effective way.

Apart from that there are various e-business technologies tool that should be used by an organisation.  One of the e-business tools is unbxd that provide an intelligent solution by optimizing the result. It is a best platform as it offers a filter by checking the objective and permits only those operations to take place which are support in meeting the business objective (Williams,  Rana & Dwivedi, 2015). To acquire the traffic over the business network the Google Ad word tool can be used as it support the organisation to boos up their sale. One such tool that is used by FESL is optimizely, which offers selection of packages that support different level of involvement. The other tool that is Search Spring is used to support popular site navigation so that sale can be boosted up. It helps in making the processes automatic and offering better results. These tools are beneficial as it offers flexible design for all the operations and processes (Akter & Wamba, 2016). It brings up powerful and effective automation ways for the business operations. The other tool can be referral candy as it designs successful programs so that flexibility could be enhanced. These tools help in offering better customer segments so that they can segregate the target marketing. It automates many processes so that time could be saved and efficiency could be improved. E-business modelling can be beneficial for the organisation as it resolves the social and technical issues. These tools helps in identifying the challenges and steps are taken so that operations are completed smoothly (Ojasalo & Ojasalo, 2015). These e-business tools help in covering a large geographical area by selling the products and services all over the global market. They offer opportunity to the organisation by making their products visible in the entire geographical area (Benitez,  Chen, Teo & Ajamieh, 2018).  The e-business tools provide new channels to the organisation for distributing their services and reaching to the global market. E-business tools helps in improving the efficiency of the organisation.


From the above understanding, detail analyses of the case study of Fluency English Services Ltd were carried out. It was found that the organisation has employees in various countries It is required to set up an IT expert so that database and all the operations are carried out effectively.  Thus web services are used so that all the technical issues could be resolved and the operations take place smoothly. The organisation uses various web services so that operations are completed automatic and data is also managed in a centralised way. It removed the chances of data leakage and helps in formalizing the information that exist. To manage all the operations and perceptive business process modelling are used as it make sure that process flow is maintained. It aligns all the strategies to improve the overall outcome. They link up the idea of the process with the implementation. FESL is a large organisation with many branches and different process running in the firm. Business process modelling helps in organising the operations so that optimal result is obtained.  In the second part various design tools that could be used in e-business technology are discussed. There are various e-business tools in the market that aims to improve the overall performance. These tools provide intelligent solution so that navigation could be provided in the work flow.


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Akter, S., & Wamba, S. F. (2016). Big data analytics in E-commerce: a systematic review and agenda for future research. Electronic Markets, 26(2), 173-194.

Alotaibi, Y. (2016). Business process modelling challenges and solutions: a literature review. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 27(4), 701-723.

Benitez, J., Chen, Y., Teo, T. S., & Ajamieh, A. (2018). Evolution of the impact of e-business technology on operational competence and firm profitability: A panel data investigation. Information & Management, 55(1), 120-130.

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de Oca, I. M. M., Snoeck, M., Reijers, H. A., & Rodríguez-Morffi, A. (2015). A systematic literature review of studies on business process modeling quality. Information and Software Technology, 58, 187-205.

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Wan, S., Li, D., Gao, J., Roy, R., & Tong, Y. (2017). Process and knowledge management in a collaborative maintenance planning system for high value machine tools. Computers in Industry, 84, 14-24.

Williams, M. D., Rana, N. P., & Dwivedi, Y. K. (2015). The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT): a literature review. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 28(3), 443-488.

Yee-Loong Chong, A., Ooi, K. B., Bao, H., & Lin, B. (2014). Can e-business adoption be influenced by knowledge management? An empirical analysis of Malaysian SMEs. Journal of Knowledge Management, 18(1), 121-136.

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