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Bggp9 Tourism Management And Development Assessment Answers


Proposal for your selected DR. The proposal should contrast relevant academic theory introduced in this unit from Topics 8 to 11.

The proposal should be presented as follows:

1. Tourism Product – this section should identify and briefly describe one potential tourism product or experience that could realistically be developed to enhance the visitor experience within the DR 

2. Rationale – this section should provide a rationale to support the development of the proposed tourism product or experience including an explanation of how the proposed tourism product or experience will contribute to the competiveness of the DR

3. Relevant Legislation – this section should identify local government legislation that would pertain to the proposed development of the tourism product or experience .

4. Sustainable Tourism Development – this section should explain how the proposed tourism product or experience complies with principles of
sustainable tourism development .



Being a land blessed with many adorable features which attract millions of locals as well as internationals as tourists, it lies on the prime location of tropical climate with a good topography on the Indonesian part of the world. It has several attraction sites which include temples, forests e.g. the monkey forests, beaches, ancient markets, museums in addition to arts and culture

Development of Tourism product

A product that is being marketed either by an institution or a nation to visitors for the purpose of attracting them so as to make a visit, as tourists with an aim of both psychological and even physical satisfaction, on such an institution or nation and to have an experience on such product is what is termed to be a tourism product (Maria,2011). The major tourism product in this instance is chosen to be an accommodation which is highly secured, on the Bali destination region.

This   destination region, Bali, has its location on the eastern side of an island called Java. Major parts of this region experiences a good number of both local and international tourists who visit several sites like the volcanoes (Agung and Batur mountains) wildlife, beauty sites and historical sites of Bali.  In Bali, for instance, a peak season for international tourism activities is being experienced almost throughout the year because of the different attractions which include the cultural Centres hence attracting many tourists from countries like Europe. Because of this high turn-up of international tourists in the region a need therefore arises concerning the type of accommodations as well as the quality in terms of prestige and the security provision in the destination region.

Accommodation provision in five-star guesthouses in addition to well-designed smaller hotels, set-aside accommodations meant for families or just smaller groups and villas as well are what this product engulfs. This product is meant to increase attractions and accessibilities. On attraction, this product will improve the entire-stay period in which the tourists will stay in a particular site of interest (Ferreira & Estevao,2009).

Due to the fact that security is a major critical concern, tourists prefer to be given a highly secured accommodation in their sites of interests without having to travel long distances to have accommodations   in unsecured areas. So, therefore, this product will enhance stability of the tourists in their destinations of interests as it enhances their prestige.


The rationale for seconding the development of accommodation as a tourism product is that the overall success as well as any development of the sites of interests for tourists are directly influenced by both the quality and quantitative features of accommodation supply(Murphy,2013).

Getting a clear view of the nation competitiveness in terms of tourism is a great factor of consideration especially for the policy makers in the Bali region. This process is a challenge to the most of the professionals in provision of the evidence needed to inform the process of decision making. Multiple indicators of competition have been provided for the purpose of addressing some of the particular aspects concerned with competitiveness. This has not been so easy as them seems to be a deficiency in the overall framework for measuring competitiveness. This tourism product, accommodation, is one of the current advancement in the tourism sector which has sought to address the gap that previously remained unsatisfied in terms of quality provision to the tourists by   contributing positively to the practical based measures of competitive world.

Because the dynamic nature of the tourism sector in addition to the global economy, this product has fully studied the market and identifies the problem which has to be solved to enhance the quality and a secured stay of tourists in the destination region of Bali so as to reduce the gap by observing the emergence of new trends in the tourism sector(Tussyadiah,2014).

This product has fully identified and organized its competitive ability in the Bali’s market and are categorized into the following;

  1. It measures the general tourism performance together with the impacts. Increasing the value of tourism is the main objective of this product in order to exist in its competitive nature for a longer period of time in the global market (Fernando & Long,2012).
  2. It consistently monitors the destination’s ability of delivering quality services which have a competitive advantage in the market either locally or internationally. It naturally acts as a starting point to measure the destination’s competitiveness. A fair tourism environment dynamic is the direct source for the destination’s competitiveness (Fernando & Long,2012).
  3. It provides a monitoring mechanism aimed at ensuring attractiveness of the destination region. This is a great concept which entails an inter-connection with competitiveness and the tourism experience quality (Ali, Ryu & Hussein,2016).
  4. It provides a description of the responsible policies and also the description of new economic opportunities. The incentives which are offered on this product makes it more competitive and increases its attractiveness.

Overnights in every component of accommodation. This product outshines the other products in the market because of its tendency to have a higher percentage growth in terms of economic measure.

Due to the improved labor productivity in the Bali destination region, this product has portrayed a productivity evolution on the number of people being employed to work in this sector as well as the productive potentiality in terms of growth rate. This is an indicator of competitiveness of this product in the market (Volo,2012).

Visitor satisfaction. Because of the improved quality of accommodation in terms of comfort and prestige, there is an improved customer satisfaction. This is due to the increased attractiveness value of the destination region. This is the greatest attribute which measures the competitiveness of the product.

Improved attractions site. This involves the elements which primarily belong to the destination appeal. These are the fundamental reasons for the prospective visitors to choose a given destination over the other. Because of the innovative nature and the creativity involved in the development of accommodations to suit the visitors’ needs, this adds to the competitiveness advantage of the tourism product (Komppula &Gartner,2013).

For effective contribution of the accommodation supply as a product towards the development of the main objectives of tourism, logicality in developing accommodation segment ought to be an element of destination region’s process of planning. The ability of the Bali destination region to plan and have a full control of this accommodation sector ensures that all the official policies concerning the development of tourism have been successfully and timely achieved and this ensures that the product outdo the threat of competitive nature. But its failure to plan means that the official policies concerned with developing tourism sector cannot be met within the stipulated period of time (Presas, Minoz &Guia,2011).

The enhancement of this product will ensure that there is a transformation of a small-attracting site into a mass-market or even summer-sun destination region for the Western countries which are majorly experiencing a winter season in their continent. This depends on the concentration, quality as well as the quantity of the accommodation. Through the tourists spending on such hotels, these hotels contribute greatly on the internal economies either directly or indirectly via the consequent dissemination of such tourist’s expenditure to other sectors of the nation’s economy as well as the betterment of the neighboring community or communities(Chang,2014).

There is a need for an effective and a suitable mechanism to implement the policies for developing accommodation as a tourism product so as to redress the defies currently being faced by the tourism sector.

 The pattern in addition to the structure of this selected tourism product provides an increment in capacities, innovations of technology as well as globalization to be driving force to ensure a global presence for hotels for identification of new markets and broadening the market success. This product characterizes the cornerstone for international as well as domestic tourists as it also acts as a component for the overall tourist spend (Faullant, Matzler &Mooradian,2011).

A good accommodation embraces technology. As the world is encroaching towards the digital era, many customers, who in this case are the tourists, are becoming more of transacting via electronic environment and therefore, there is an increased demand for the internet access of the enterprise so as to book online or even make secure submission of payments. The internet evolution is able to provide a platform for online booking. This is done via a central unit of advance booking and the execution of an online marketing methodology and e-commerce for aiding in interaction with the customers. This relationship can be promoted at the stage of information-gathering, arrival stage through to the post-stay stage (Rageh &Melewar,2013).

This tourism product has a great concern to improve the shares in the market as well as positively adjusting the profitability because of the unique experience provision of consumers with an accommodation arrangement which is situated within a natural environment which is ecologically fragile. Accommodation therefore adapts a management scheme which is meant to be environmental friendly hence becoming more competitive.

Relevant legislation

Using the Tourism Master Plan (2012-2020), the revised policies of the plan for tourism accommodation are incorporated here.

Regulatory bodies.

Accommodation as a tourism product has an operation which is multi-sectoral and all of its establishments ought to portray a compliance with set of standards as well as meeting the requirements needed on the codes of building, health regulations, fire risks and any other specified regulations by any other relevant (Maria,2011).

Establishment of these set of standards is done by different agencies or technical departments which have powers that have been instituted in dissimilar laws as well as statutes. However, the issuance of one particular license cannot pardon the holder of the license to have a compliance with other obligations and laws that have been or will be imposed directly by other bodies or even departments of a government (Tangeland & Aas,2011).

Using Bali as a tourist destination region, the following policies and local government laws are applied to govern the accommodation;

The Licensing Authority of Bali enjoys the monopoly power of issuing licenses to those running accommodation establishment in the country;

The planning Authority together with the ministry in charge of usage of land have responsibility of enforcing a total compliance with codes of building, planning as well as the laws governing the land use. It has roles together with functions which are well elaborated under the various acts, especially the Civil Code of Bali

Environmental department. The responsibility of this department is to monitor as well as compliance enforcement aimed at the protection laws/regulations of the environment. Powers and functions of this department are very broad. They make decisions on the scope and positions of reference for a project.

Fire and Rescue Agency. Its responsibility is directed towards the aspects of fire safety for all the buildings which fall under the Fire Protection Act. Occupational health besides the safety of food are under The Ministry of Health.

Tourism Board of Bali. This board is formed by the Bali Tourism Board Act and it is given a mandate to set the criteria, tourism standards establishment as well as to monitor the service quality and comfortability of the guests.

Policy statement.

Policy 1

Bed capacity; the entire new accommodation formations are to be built basing on the study of the carrying capacity having to take into account the location, dimension sites as well as the other relevant related issues.

Policy 2

Category; there are 3 sub-divisions of accommodation licenses issued. These include;

  • It is a formation meant to provide lodging accommodations and the occupant has to pay for it on a daily basis.
  • Guesthouse. It contains rooms which are equal or less than 10.
  • Self-catering establishment. It provides accommodations for hire to the public and clients are provided with facilities to prepare their own food.

Also, it can be subdivided into;

a. one star
b. two star
c. three star
d. four star
e. five star

Policy 3

ownership/investment; accommodation establishment ownership or investment are based on the number of keys and the minimum Bali’s share.

Policy 4.

Scope of license. Authority is given to hotels to operate restaurants under the same license

Sustainable Tourism Development.

This concept entails a balanced state of economic, cultural as well as social development ensuring that the environment is not endangered in any way to ensure the enhancement of a similar or higher level of the Bali region (Ferreira & Estevao,2009). In other terms, sustainable development can be said to be that process which allows the act of development to be undertaken without degradation of resources. This concept has been based on majorly four principles which are;

  • Environmental sustainability; this principle tends to be provide a compatible development which ensures a well-maintained ecological process, a diverse biology as well as biological resources (Tussyadiah,2014).
  • Social sustainability. This principle strengthens the identity of traditional values through the provision of a compatible development.
  • Cultural Sustainability principle. This principle aims at the provision of a compatible cultural development with the people of the community way of living i.e. their cultural values. So the provision of accommodation as a tourism product meets this core value of this principle (Tussyadiah,2014).
  • Economic sustainability. This principle provides a cost-effective development and a future-focused management of resources to help the future generations
  • Tackling risks and uncertainties with great caution. In cases where impacts of environment are not known, the better choice to be preferred is to cautiously proceed or to drop it at all up to an extent when the possible impacts are determinable.

Planning of a sustainable development.  

Planning for the development of accommodation as a sustainable tourism product entails planning environmental preservations which include a multiple research tasks and analysis to aid in making decisions concerning the direction of the development. These tasks are carried out to aid in preventing intensive resource usage in particular areas (Maria,2011).

Soft strategies to aid in sustainable process of development are applied in the environments which are characterized by modification for example the urban areas where there is nonexistence of a natural environment which renders the protection being directed towards the environment to be very irrelevant. This may also apply to mass degraded rural areas in which a significant betterment on status quo part is a resultant feature of the tourism product development.

Accommodation products are some of the soft strategies, for instance the large hotels, can be applied to emphasize on development as a component based on the considering the fact that they fall under the support of tourism. However, this approach strongly contrasts other sustainable methodologies, accordingly the idea behind it is that any step of action ought to be avoided especially if it involves unknown consequences (Pearce & Kang,2009).

The factors indicating a sustainable tourism are factors that can be measured and even monitored for the purpose of changing a given phenomenon status and even undertakes the representation of the gathering tools for the search of new information via which an information in existence ought to be filtered (Maria,2011).

Monitoring of sustainable tourism

Implementation of a justifiable tourism development tends to promote various challenges that hinder the determination of whether a given destination or accommodation as a product is sustainable. This therefore encourages the accommodation’s managers to ask themselves the reason as to why rare resources ought to be subjected to such a sustainability strategy. Active process of monitoring sustainability is so much preferred as compared to inactivity which has an impact of increasing the probability of unsustainability of the life cycle’s results. There is a necessity for revealing a problem as well as identification of the appropriate solutions together with the strategies for resolving (Rageh & Melewar,2013). Also, increment of the interests is a great need to be given a more weight as it would give an estimate of the increased demand for accommodation as a tourism product and its alternative for ensuring a consistent support on the sustainability principle conventionally.

Choosing directions for development sustainability

The guidelines for accommodation as a tourism product development sustainability would help in the determination of the directive effort as well as the provision of control mechanisms for developing tourism sector (Murphy,2013).


The development of accommodation as a tourism product in the Bali destination region should be enhanced in order to increase the improvement of the prestige required by the tourists in this region. Therefore, the Bali tourism Board has to adopt this product in order to increase and improve the tourism activities in Bali.


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