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Assessment Task 2 Professional Portfolio

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Assessment Task 2: Professional Portfolio

Part 1: Educational Philosophy

Visual communication is one of the most essential skills that are required currently as it helps in effectively communicating the perspectives, information, proposals and ideas to people from different backgrounds. The visual communication theories also help the students in understanding the psychology and perception of visual theories that includes the design principles of visual communication and strategies for composing the elements of the visual communication presentation (Ryan & Ryan, 2013). As a professional educator, I believe it is essential for all the professional educators to understand the learning needs of the students before developing the syllabus of the particular subject. The purpose of education has three aspects, which are to provide learning to those who want to learn and have the accessibility to the available resources, empower those learners who want to share their own knowledge and provide a platform to those students who face issues in terms of physical health, financial and educational resources. The learning goals and objectives should be for each individual student, which should include targets like achieving full potential, identifying the importance of their own subject, becoming independent learners and more active in the entire process of learning. It is my duty to assist the students in achieving their learning goals and objectives (Haerens et al., 2011).

As a visual communication teacher, I focus on choosing those learning theories that suits the learning needs of the students. I aim at mapping my developed learning strategies and theories against the pedagogical framework. It is highly essential for all the professional educators to choose develop learning strategies that includes mediating artefacts like different case studies, narratives, matrices, tables, visualisations, frameworks, models and vocabularies (Saunders & Rennie, 2013). These strategies reflect the professional practice of the educators and their teaching purposes. During my professional career, I have observed that different pedagogical and learning theories have been developed for improving the educational system. As visual communication demands to impart more of technical and practical knowledge, it is essential to use models that involve all the recent teaching techniques and theories. Apart from the learning texts, there are diverse technological product ranges that are designed to encompass the systems, processes, machines, environments and services. In my teaching course, I generally choose the Social Learning Theory and De Bono as my teaching strategy. The Social Learning Theory by Albert Bandura involves the development of new behaviour that can be done by imitating others or observing them (Laurillard, 2013). As visual communication is a cognitive process that influences people in the social context. I have chosen this strategy as it involves the strategy of punishment and reward. The students feel more encouraged by observing the behaviour of those students who are being awarded for their effective work and assignment. On the other hand, I have selected the learning strategy of De Bono has the concept of six thinking hats that can assists the students to focus on the learning outcomes of the teaching sessions. This helps in enhancing my own teaching quality and it even minimizes the counterproductive behaviour (Metzler, 2017).

As per the chosen strategy and learning theories, it becomes difficult for me to abide by the principles of those theories. In visual communication, it is very important to select and apply the right design elements, media, presentation formats, design principles and the materials as these form the main visual language resources. The creativity level of each student varies and each of the design communicates different message to the audiences. The main challenge I face is the interpretation of the work done by the students. Sometimes, it becomes difficult for me to analyse and interpret their work. Hence, I choose the strategy of feedback, interactive presentation and personal interaction. The interactive presentation helps to analyse the thought-process of the students and about what they have learnt. This helps me to analyse how the students have been to understand my teachings and the learning guidelines (Friend et al., 2010). As one their main activities as per the visual communication syllabus is to design the logos, it is important to analyse if they have been able to generate innovative ideas, mapped it with the design principles, used the Adobe illustrator effectively and has been able to use the annotations properly or not. The feedback received from the students at the end of every learning session helps me to analyse how the students have been able to understand from the entire learning session. It not reflects the learning abilities of the students, but also reflects my teaching ability.

After assessing the performance of the students, I try to undergo the process of self-assessment that can help me to analyse my own performance as an educator. In the self-assessment process, the most important step is to consider the performance of all my students. In case the overall performance of the students has a huge difference, it reflects my inability to impart the learning outcomes and knowledge effectively. Moreover, it is essential for me to develop a programme that can help all the students to understand the curriculums in the same manner (Adams & Bell, 2016). This would help in reducing the performance gap of all the students. Moreover, I refer to the feedback received from all the students to find out my areas of strengths and weaknesses. In addition, I usually take the TSAT (teachers Self-assessment tool) developed by Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL). The results from this test help me evaluate my own performance and understand the areas of improvement. Other than this, when I check the assignments of my students, I mention about the positive and negative points along with the sections that impressed me. In Appendix 1 and Appendix 2, the snapshot of my comments on my student’s rubric has been attached. This reflects my attentiveness towards even the minor details of the work done by my students. It is highly essential for me to make sure that I am able to give my best towards assessing the performance of my students so that it can help me to improve my own performance.

Apart from the classroom learning, it is essential for me to ensure that along with improving my own performance to improve the wellbeing of the students and include them in all the activities. I aim at teaching them about the embedded policies and regulations of the classroom behaviour and values. It is important for me to create opportunities for the students so that it can motivate them to contribute towards their future development (Solis et al., 2012).

Part 2: Plan for professional learning

Professional learning refers to the means by which the staffs, administrators and teachers to enhance and acquire the skills, knowledge, disposition and practices that are necessary to support and create high learning level for all the students. As teaching is one of the most critical jobs, it is essential for every professional educator to plan their teaching methods and future learning plan (Cheng, 2014). With my experience in the educational field, I have observed that it is not possible for the teaching professionals to ace in every area of teaching. In a few sections, teachers like me are not very proficient and need to improve for which a proper plan is required. With a proper professional learning plan, I can improve my teaching ability along with my career graph as an educator. It will further assist me to handle various critical situations in future adeptly. With the help of self-assessment and performance review, I have observed two areas in which I need further development. These improvements would help to become more effective as an educator and fulfil the learning needs of all my students (Page, 2014).

One of the areas in which I need improvement is about the idea of student psychology. The student psychology and education is interlinked. My first responsibility as an educator is analysing the student psychology, which is the mental ability of the students to understand and grasp the learning outcomes (Bond, 2014). At times, it becomes difficult for me to analyse the learning needs and ability of my students. In order to improve this area, it is important for me to undergo a training session in which I can understand the concept of student psychology. The training session would be a six months session with which I can overcome my weaknesses. As the training sessions are designed as per the Australian Professional Standards (APS). With the knowledge received from the training sessions, I would be able to understand how I can manage to understand the learning abilities of the students. Moreover, it would also help me to develop better relations with the students (van Nierop et al., 2015).

I have also come to know about another issue in which I need improvement. There are situations where I fail to take lead in the classroom and group activities of the educators. This only reflects the lack of leadership skills. In order to improve this area, I have to undergo leadership-training sessions for six months. This would provide me a wider perspective about leadership skills and provide me the opportunity to assess the relevant expertise and learn about different and new information process (Funkhouser & Mouza, 2013).

Given below is the timeline of my areas of improvement-


Area 1

Area 2

Areas of Improvement

Lack of understanding about student psychology

Lack of leadership skills


Training Sessions for understanding about the student psychology

Leadership training sessions to develop leadership skills


6 months

6 months








The resources would be provided by the training institute

The resources would be provided by the training institute

Table 1: Timeline for professional learning programme

(Source: Created by the author)

Plan 3: Response to job advertisement

Given below is the cover letter provided as the response to a job advertisement regarding the position of ‘Design Teacher of Art/Visual Communication’ of Strathmore Secondary College. The job is for a fixed term and the main role is of the class teacher. The given job advertisement has certain selection criteria, which have been mentioned in the job advertisement. The letter contains about my professional background, my understanding related to teaching visual communication designs and my abilities and qualities that can help me to get the job at Strathmore Secondary College.


Liz Blackburn,

I came across one of the job advertisement that was published on the website of your college. I would like to inform you that I am interested in the job advertisement for ‘Art/Visual Communication Design Teacher’. Being a professional designer, I found out that my experience and qualifications match with the job vacancy available at Strathmore Secondary College. I would like to mention that I have done my Masters in Creative Arts and I have done my internship from Sydney Design Studios for one year. I also have a work experience of 4 years at Alphabet Studio as a Graphic Designer. I have also taught as a designer in Brisbane’s College for 2 years. I am proficient in concept design, implementation of final design and project management. Moreover, I excel at layout designing, development of style for different websites, for social media profile styles, corporate communications and producing images. I have used several techniques and methods in my professional career, which I have mentioned in my resume. I have also contributed my ideas towards for different projects I have also mentioned about my other areas of proficiency in my resume, which I have attached in this mail.

I have gone through the entire job advertisement and I have found the job profile to match with my area of interests. Moreover, I see that the college has different selection criteria based on which the hiring process would be done. In order to justify my ability I would like to mention the criteria that meet the requirement of the company as per the job description. The first criterion is about the understanding of principles, standards and teaching assessment in student learning. As I was associated with Brisbane College for two years, I have been able to gather knowledge and experience about how the principles and standards mentioned by the college and the different educational framework of Australia. During those two years of my teaching experience, I was given the responsibility of handling Year 8 and Year 9 students. I never faced any issues in monitoring their performance as when I started my classes for graphic designing, I used to face several issues, which I was able to overcome with continuous practice and with learning from different sources. This has helped me to understand that every student has monitor and assess the learning ability and capacity, which needs to be evaluated properly.

Further, while teaching at Brisbane’s College, I was able to manage several student activities and develop various strategies that could involve including all the students in various programmes. I was able to follow consistently the principles and guidelines provided by the Victorian curriculum. I also received an award for being consistent and committed towards my work. This reflects that I have been efficient in managing the students and their various activities. Moreover, as you can you observe in my resume, I have been continuously involved in the field of visual communication design; I want to proceed for the same in future.

I have also done courses on leadership skills and student psychology, which has helped me to develop the knowledge about how I can handle the students from different years. In the training sessions, I also learned how leadership skills should be used in order to manage and build relations with the students. The training sessions with student psychology has helped to develop ideas about the mental ability of the student to learn and react to the various lessons. Hence, I can say that if hired as the class teacher of visual communication design, I would not face any issues in understanding the needs of the students. I was able to develop lesson plans as per the overall understanding level of all the students. Moreover, I have also always focused on building good relations with the students and their parents as it helped to communicate about their performance on a regular basis. Hence, I would like to conclude that I think that I am capable enough for this job role. I would be highly obliged if you respond to this mail.

Thanking You,

Yours Faithfully,



Reference List

Adams, M., & Bell, L. A. (Eds.). (2016). Teaching for diversity and social justice. Routledge.

Bond, J. J. (2014). Different-yet equal: the historical development of disability discrimination legislation in the US, the UK, Canada and Australia.

Cheng, G. (2014). Exploring students' learning styles in relation to their acceptance and attitudes towards using Second Life in education: A case study in Hong Kong. Computers & Education, 70, 105-115.

Friend, M., Cook, L., Hurley-Chamberlain, D., & Shamberger, C. (2010). Co-teaching: An illustration of the complexity of collaboration in special education. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 20(1), 9-27.

Funkhouser, B. J., & Mouza, C. (2013). Drawing on technology: An investigation of preservice teacher beliefs in the context of an introductory educational technology course. Computers & Education, 62, 271-285.

Haerens, L., Kirk, D., Cardon, G., & De Bourdeaudhuij, I. (2011). Toward the development of a pedagogical model for health-based physical education. Quest, 63(3), 321-338.

Laurillard, D. (2013). Teaching as a design science: Building pedagogical patterns for learning and technology. Routledge.

Metzler, M. (2017). Instructional models in physical education. Taylor & Francis.

Page, T. (2014). Application-based mobile devices in design education. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 8(2), 96-111.

Ryan, M., & Ryan, M. (2013). Theorising a model for teaching and assessing reflective learning in higher education. Higher Education Research & Development, 32(2), 244-257.

Saunders, K. J., & Rennie, L. J. (2013). A pedagogical model for ethical inquiry into socioscientific issues in science. Research in Science Education, 43(1), 253-274.

Solis, M., Vaughn, S., Swanson, E., & Mcculley, L. (2012). Collaborative models of instruction: The empirical foundations of inclusion and co‐teaching. Psychology in the Schools, 49(5), 498-510.

van Nierop, M., Viechtbauer, W., Gunther, N., Van Zelst, C., De Graaf, R., Ten Have, M., ... & OUtcome of Psychosis (GROUP) investigators. (2015). Childhood trauma is associated with a specific admixture of affective, anxiety, and psychosis symptoms cutting across traditional diagnostic boundaries. Psychological medicine, 45(6), 1277-1288.

Appendix 1- Student’s Rubric

Appendix 2- Student’s Rubric

Appendix 3- Lesson Plan for Visual Communication

Visual Communications

Lesson Plan

Topic:Logo and Business Card

Duration: 3 Doubles 2 Singles (50 Min Sessions)

Year Level: 10


Learning Objectives

§ Students to incorporate Design Elements & Principles in their designs

§ Students to utilize the Design Process to achieve the outcomes

§ Students to learn how to correctly Annotate their ideas

§ Students will learn to use Adobe Illustrator to create their outcomes.

Learning Outcomes

§ Students will be creating a Logo & Business card for a shoe company/café, utilizing the Design process to incorporate the Design elements & Principles throughout their project.

§ Students should understand the importance of Annotations during the Design Process.

§ Students will have a completed Logo & Business Card by the end of these sessions, through the use of Adobe Illustrator.

Equipment and Resources





Examples of Logos and Business Cards


What I will do

Resources Needed

Learning Outcomes

Session 1




Get them to download illustrator

Refresh their memory on Design Elements & Principles

Give handout for Visual Communications (Ask them to stick it in their workbooks)

Introduce Visual Communications: What the purpose is, how designers use it to communicate ideas, etc

Difference between the 3 Domains: Environmental, Industrial & Communication
Common thing: They all follow the same Design Process& respond to a Design Brief given by client.

Give out the design brief of the task. Explain to them. Show them examples of shoe company & café logos.

§ Glue sticks

§ Projector

§ Handouts

§ Examples of Visual Communications

§ Remind them to bring laptops next lesson onwards

§ To understand the design elements and principles

§ To understand the 3 domains of design

§ To understand a design bried

Session 2




Give them Annotation sheet and task sheet and explain. Ask them to glue in their books

Give out the design process sheets

Ask them to take out the design brief, design elements & principles and design process sheets

Run through brief again, breaking down the client needs.

Ask them to highlight key points

Research process, demonstrate how to do it.

Brainstorming introduction, do it with them on the board.

5 mins for them to do brainstorm

Research, how to do it.

Give them 10 mins to do their research. Remaining to be completed at home. (12 x 2 pages of images)

§ Laptops

§ Workbooks

§ Glue

§ Scissors

§ Paper

§ Drawing materials

§ Handouts
- Task sheet
- Criteria sheet
- Design Process

§ To understand the design process

§ Learn how to identify the key points from a given brief

§ Learn how to do the research and generation of ideas stage

Session 3




Start describing generation of ideas, and start GOI if possible. 2 Pages x 10 sketches
-Show how I used research images to generate an idea
- Refer to annotations Sheet

- How to apply annotations
20 Mins to do their GOI

Check their research individually.

Development of Concepts explanation and demonstration.
-How a GOI is modified to CD
-Application of colour

Show examples

Concept development – Students are to pick 2 of their favourite logos and start developing them. (15 mins, remaining to be completed at home. 2 pages/6 logo per page) Students to get them ready by next lesson to start working in illustrator.

Illustrator introduction
- Diff between raster & Vector
- how illustrator works

Illustrator tutorial?

-GOI 2x10
-CD 2x 6

§ Paper

§ Drawing materials

§ Laptops

§ Marker

§ Illustrator tutorial PDF

§ GOI examples

§ Concept Dev examples

§ Colour Pencils

§ To understand how to develop a concept from GOI.

§ Start understanding how to use illustrator, and how it works

Session 4




Refresh Design process
-Ask them to take out the design process sheet
-Have it on the board before class. Tick as we go.
-So what stage are we suppose to be at today?
-But to do refinement, we have tobe up to date with their design process. To do refinement, we must learn how to use Illustrator to refine our designs, which I will teach you in a little bit.
-Next 5 mins, Stick all sheets in order in their books if they haven’t done so, and I’ll come around to check homework(Detention tomorrow during recess, make a list).


Remember references and annotations.

Whether students are UNSURE about annotations.

Revisit annotations
- For example, we will look at these images. Refer to the annotations paper. Ask the questions.

Illustrator tutorial, run through the interface beforehand. Write down notes. (Youtube)
- Line tool

- Shape tool
- Zoom
- Scroll
- Colour
- Pen tool
- Youtube
- Give with an exercise

-I want to see colour in their presentation.

Remember, they HAVE TO FOLLOW THE DESIGN PROCESS WHEN DOING DESIGN WORK. If they have not completed the previous steps, they will have to complete it first before moving on.

Must finish AT LEAST their logo development BY MONDAY, because we’re going to finalise and print on Monday

§ Laptops

§ Projector

§ Aux cord

§ Students laptops

§ Spare USBs

§ Youtube tutorial

§ Example for refinement

§ Template for business cards

§ Glue

§ Scissors

§ Spare sheets

§ Order


Session 5




Turn on computers and put Zen of pen

Refresh on Illustrator tools


Zen of pen activity 20 mins to do two

Introduce the Refinement process.
-Show example on projector with Illustrator. 10 mins
-They can explore different colours to be done on template.
-Annotate after they have printed, or if they want they can do it in the file.
Students to work on their Illustrator logo in class with my help.

Template for business card and logo layout.
- Demonstrate how it’s to be done.

Go around and give out templates.

Print and Frame if anyone is up to that.

§ Laptops

§ Projector

§ Students laptops

§ Spare USBs

§ Example for refinement

§ Template for business cards

§ Macs

§ Framing materials


Your reflection and feedback on the Unit

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