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Acct5022-Cpa Accounting Capstone-Free-Samples Assessment Answers


You have been hired as a consultant for Brown Bag. Prepare a 10-page report that addresses the following:

1. A PESTEL analysis for Brown Bag;

2. A SWOT analysis for Brown Bag;

3. Determine how Brown Bag can maximise its opportunities (Extended SWOT);and,

4. Determine the growth prospects for Brown Bag.



The overall assessment relatively evaluates the current position of Brown Bag with the help of different analyzing measures. PESTEL analysis has been conducted on Brown Bag to identify the relevant progressive attributes that might allow the organization to flourish in future years. Moreover, the SWOT analysis is conducted to support the PESTEL analysis and detect the future opportunities, threats, weaknesses and strengths of the company that might allow the management to make adequate decisions. Furthermore, adequate evaluation on Brown Bag future opportunities is conducted allow your organization to obtain sustainable growth. Furthermore, the growth prospects of Brown Bag in the current industry is relatively evaluated to allow the management take adequate decisions for obtaining high revenues in future.

Body of the report:

PESTEL analysis for Brown Bag:


The political condition of Ireland has been always reliable for the animation industry as for past 20 years the government has been luring in investors from all around the world to develop the nation into an animation center. During 1992, The IDA indicated that Ireland could become the world animation center and the cartoon capital of Europe as the government has been rigorously trying to increase the industry exposure in the country. Therefore, it could be indicated that the political view on the animation industry is positive, which would eventually allow Brown Bag to improve its operations and continue with the animated films.


Economic condition of Ireland is relatively considered sluggish, as the country had high rate of unskilled labor due to the nonexistence of adequate organization and work. However, the overall valuation of the economic condition relatively depicted that the animation industry in Island and eventually generate higher rate of employment and jobs as there are skilled labors present within the region. Moreover, the overall International demand for animated films and other activities has a relatively reason, which would provide the relevant boost for the animation industry in Ireland to adequately conduct their business. 


Island has been supportive of the animation industry for more than a decade where the boom in the new animation organizations was relatively was witnessed in 1992. This boom relatively allowed the animation industry to flourish and in 2002 to short films was nominated The Academy Awards. Furthermore, Irish citizens relatively have the adequate knowledge regarding animation and are willing to increase the exposure of the industry within the country. In addition, due to the lack of adequate jobs small companies in the animation industry has relatively flourished in Ireland. This directly indicates the positive feedback for brown bag to grow its overall business in Ireland and adequately acquire high skilled labor.


The technological advancements in animation industry have relatively allowed the organizations to improve their current productivity. The animation industry is relatively technology-based where adequate improvements have been seen true pastors that have allowed many Industries to flourish and improve the performance in past years. The continuous growth in technology would eventually allow brown bag to increase its exposure in the animation industry and become one of the mark leaders in the world. Brown Bag relatively supports all the new technology that is being currently used by organizations all over the world, which has helped them to improve their current operations and develop short animated films for the viewers.


Animation industry does not have any negative effect on the environment, which is positive attribute for the organisation listed in the sector. Therefore, no negative impacts can be conducted by the animation industry to the environment. Consequently, no problems can be identified in accordance with the environmental laws for brown bag to adequately conduct business in Ireland. Hence, it could be identified there is no problems regarding the environmental conditions of Ireland as animated organization work or increase their exposure in the country. There will be no environmental laws that can hinder the operations of animated organization, as the companies do not violate environmental clauses.


There are relevant legal regulations for the animation industry to follow while opening the branch in Ireland. The legal regulations relatively involve the registration process and the other measures that need to be followed by organization operating an island. Brown Bag at adequately for load all the relevant regulations and legal requirements for operating in Ireland. Hence, no problems will be added by brown bag as it follows all the relevant Regulation and has been operating in Ireland for adequate time.

SWOT analysis for Brown Bag:


The strength analysis of Brown Bag relatively indicates the positive attributes of the organization in continuing its operations in Ireland. The major strength of the organization is in its operations in Ireland, which has a relatively supported, the management to acquire adequate labor force to improve its productivity and creativity. Moreover, from the evaluation it could be identified that Brown Bags overall earning potential is relatively higher for commercial and digital media, which is a booming area for the organization. The major work in the commercial project is relatively high for brown bag as there is adequate work and high earning potential for the organization. Brown Bag could also tap into TV production and digital media projects to adequately raising the level of income and earnings from the operation. In addition, there is relatively low competition for brown bag in Ireland, which allows the management to generate high level of income from operations. 


The major weakness for the organization is relatively the competition level that is currently present in Ireland within the animation industry. Brown Bag can be considered as one of the major and largest animation companies in Ireland, while it cannot be discarded that other organizations are also improving their operational capability and competing with the leader. This relatively increases the level of competition in the market and reduces the capability of the organization to capture the full market. Second weakness for the organization is the relevant increment in the expensive technology that is adopted by the management to improve productivity. Without the continuous change in software packages, the organization is not able to compete in the market, which can be considered as a major weakness for the company. The Other weakness for the organization is the small television market in Ireland, which relatively forces the management to increase the exposure internationally and compete with major us animation firms with high-end technology.


The major opportunity for brown bag is the relevant exposure in international market, which could continue to grow in future years. The company has adequately listed major organizations in different countries such as Saudi Arabia, which has increased their presence in the international market. Therefore, the organization has relevant opportunity in the digital media, commercial, and TV programs, which could eventually help in generating high level of revenue from operation. Moreover, the company also has relevant opportunity to develop feature films in animation, which can generate revenues from screening in international market. International market of Brown bag is a relatively booming where the organization is able to acquire more projects and improve the revenue generation process. Hence, it could be understood that there is relevant opportunity for prawn back in the international market where it could extend its exposure in not only US countries but also in European countries. This would eventually allow the organization to expand and create a significant presence in the animation industry.


The major threat for the organization is the rising competition, which has been contributed by international animators. Moreover, the major challenge for the organization is to continue with operations in international level, which will require additional capital. The overall organization has to maintain an adequate labor force, as the animation industry is labor-intensive and costly process. Brown Bag has needed significant investments to improve its overall operational capability, which relatively increases the level of development and Research cost for the organization. Therefore, the organization needs to maintain an adequate investment level to continue with operation in the animation industry or else the competitors would increase the market share and force the organization to reduce its market exposure. 

Determining how Brown Bag can maximise its opportunities:

Increasing exposure in new technology:

The rising trend in the animation series, films and short movies has relevantly allowed Brown Bag to increase its operations in European countries and US. Increasing the level of exposure of advanced technology in the operations of the organization would eventually help in raising the productivity level and reducing the time consumption for completing the animated series. Brown Bag needs to adopt more and more technology and software packages for supporting with operations, while experimenting and developing the new technology for the creation would eventually allow the organization to improve its competitiveness in the market.

Capturing international market:

The international market has a relatively not been fully explored by brown bag, where increment in operations in Canada and Australia would eventually allow the management to raise its International presence. The market for animations in both the countries is relatively high, which made eventually help the organization to generate hideaway news from operations. Furthermore, the International presence could also extend to the continent of South America, where the demand for digital and commercial advertisement is relatively high.

Improving the organisational structure:

Current organizational structure of the brown bag is relatively dependent on freelancers and other contract staff, which is relatively hired from Ireland. Therefore, changing the organizational structure would eventually allow the management to raise the level of productivity and reduce the time taken to completing the project. Therefore, instead of working with freelancers the work animation can be outsourced to India and China, where adequate workforce can be detected with low cost. This relatively solves the organization’s problem maintaining high level of expenses in completing the animation series. Both India and China has a relatively high level of employees that have experience in the animation industry, which could be used by the organization to improve the current production capability. This move can eventually allow brown bag to reduce its overall expenses on completing a particular project and maximize the level of revenues from operations.

Raising the level of operations:

Brown bag relatively needs to increase is operational capability and continuity the co-productions with Irish and European companies. There are relatively high growth prospects for the company as it could increase is exposure in digital, commercial and television sector. The major focus of the organization needs to be on the digital sector, where value operations are relatively increasing in number. Animation films has relevant advantage over the live production as it good have a higher shelf life and can be dubbed in foreign languages. Moreover, the animations film can be the purposes in different media such as internet wireless etc., which can be eventually, allow the organization to boost its revenue.

Determining the growth prospects for Brown Bag:

High revenue generation capability:

The growth prospects of the organization is relatively high, as the company's overall exposure in the international animation industry is minimal. This can be changed for brown bag and lead to higher revenue generation capability of the organization. The company directly focuses on high quality Material which is relatively has higher audience in the international market. Therefore, it could be understood that the services and products delivered by brown bag is in high demand in the international market. Hence, increasing the exposure in different fields and countries could be beneficial for the organization to improve its profitability in the long-run. The analysis has relatively indicated that companies that are using adequate technology are able to increase the level of revenues, as conducted by Pixar Films and animation giant Disney. both a combined effort has a relatively allow to the organizations to earn revenue over $1.5 billion buy featuring funds such as Toy Story, Toy Story 2, A bug's life, and Monster Inc. Hence, it could be understood brown bag has an adequate exposure of the animation industry where inclusion of high Technology would eventually allow the organization boost its revenue. Thus, it could be understood that improving your operations of around back would eventually increase operational capability of the company. Moreover, the administrative and development duties of the organization can be improved to raise its productivity level and maintain adequate work quotes support new business, while reducing the tandem with production work. 

High chances of being the market leader:

The creative measures that has been taken by brown bag has a relatively allowed the organisation operation and become the market leader in animation industry. The film industry is one of the major contributors of revenue to the animation industry, which can be considered a strategic decision to improve revenue generation capability of the company. Brown Bag could increase its overall exposure in the industry International, which might eventually help in increasing the revenues outside of Ireland. The products of the organization are relevantly in high demand among potential clients, which is spread throughout the globe. The film industry would eventually generate high level of revenues and allow the organization to become the market leader in animation industry. The constant improvements in the animation films made by the organization would motivate the consumers allow brown bag to increase their market share. Thus, it could be understood that there is high chance of Brown Bag to become the market leader with its developing production system and work force.


From the overall evaluation of the assessment it could be identified that the current operations of Brown bag is a relatively adequate, which could eventually allow the company to maintain its market position in the animation industry. The relevant pestle analysis has indicated a positive attribute for the organization, as Brown Bag complies with all the relevant components of the PESTEL analysis. Furthermore, the SWOT analysis indicated a positive attribute for the organization, which depicts the high growth level that can be obtained in future fiscal years. Moreover, the growth prospectus and opportunity for the organization is relatively immense, as the organization is still in initial stage and has not increased its global presence excessively. The increment of global presence could eventually allow Brown Bag to increase is exposure in Canadian, and Australian countries, which might surge the level of revenue from operations.


Therefore, it could be recommended for brown bag to increase its overall operational capability by infusing more capital into the business. Thus, capital infusion can be conducted on two different phases where shares can be issued or debt can be obtained. Moreover, the company could use both debt and equity to support its overall capital requirements, which could be used for raising the productivity level and competition level of the organization. Furthermore, the organization can invest in research and development, which could help in minimizing the excessive labor intensive and costly procedure of animation production. 


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