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Using SPSS for charts and basic statistical information

Problem 1 Use the Salary data (salary.sav) file to complete the following problems.

Consider the distribution of employees within each job category (variable Employment Category, jobcat).

  1. a) Describe the distribution of people in across the employment categories (Hint: use histogram).
  2. b) Make a pie chart that shows the percentages of employees within each job category. Modify the chart so that MBA trainees and technical employees are shown in a single slice. (Hint: Double click on the pie chart which opens the Properties box. Go to Categories tab. Check Collapse box.) What is the combined percentage of these two job categories?
  3. c) Make a bar chart showing the distribution of employees within job categories. Have the bars represent the percentages of employees in each category. Which two categories represent the greatest share of employees? Write a few sentences that explain what you are seeing in this data that provides information regarding the mix of employees at the company.

Problem 2 Use the Salary data file to complete the following problems:

Consider the years of work experience prior to hire (variable work).

  1. a) Make a bar chart and a histogram of the values. (Hint: Use the Analyze/Frequencies tool. Place workinto the variable box. Select Statistics button and choose the measures you desire to answer this problem and part
  2. b) Which statistic do you think is the better summary of the data? Why?
  3. c) What is the median number of years of work experience for the sample? What are the cut-off values for each of the quartiles (percentiles)? State what those numbers mean in a sentence. (Hint: The SPSS output is showing you cut-off values for the top value for each percentile.)

After completing the problems:

Copy the relevant SPSS output to a MS Word document. (You can simply copy and paste or you can export the file while in SPSS.)

Add your analytic comments to each problem prior to the SPSS output which it supports.

Clearly number and label each problem in the document.

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