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BSBMGT517 Manage Operational Plan

BSBMGT517 Manage Operational Plan

Extracts from selected sections within Kingfisher Garden Centre administrative policies and procedures

Document creation and capture

Staff should ensure they create official records of all decisions and actions made in the course of their official business. For example, if business is transacted by telephone, file notes of the key points in the conversation should be documented. Official meetings should include the taking of minutes. Operational plans should be version controlled.

All records defined by the organisation as important to create should be captured into designated record keeping systems (hard or electronic versions) so they can be managed appropriately.

Records should be placed in an official file. Department-specific files should be kept and maintained by the generating department. Operational plans, supporting documentation and performance data for all areas of the organisation should be filed in the main administrative hub. These files will be given a unique identifier code.

All official outgoing communications, including letters, faxes, emails, etc., should contain reference to the file number, as prompted in the templates. Further information is available in the Records Management Procedures.


Current hard copy records should be stored in designated storage areas (see ‘Document creation and capture’) with access restrictions as outlined in the Records Management Procedures.

Electronic records may either be retained online (on servers) or offline (on DVDs, USB stick, portable hard drives or other removable media). Records of short-term value will be disposed of at suitable intervals by the administrative assistant in each department. Records of long-term or archival value should be retained online wherever possible and managed in accordance with the Records Management Procedures.

Maintenance and monitoring

The location of each record needs to be recorded and updated at every movement of the record when transferred between departments. Record keeping is not required within a department. Staff members should update the file register or notify the relevant administrative assistant when passing records on to another office, store or department.

The main administration office has implemented a number of security and counter disaster measures as part of its Information Security Management System (ISMS) for safeguarding its information assets. Staff should abide by these measures at all times. See Records Management Procedures for more information.


Records must be available to all authorised staff that require access to them for business purposes. Reasons for restricting access are outlined in the Records Management Procedures.

Contractors and outsourced functions

All records created by contractors performing work on behalf of Kingfisher Garden Centre belong to the organisation. This includes the records of contract staff working on the premises as well as external service providers.

Contracts should clearly state that ownership of records resides with Kingfisher Garden Centre, and instructions regarding creation, management and access to the records created.


Administrative records common to all or many public offices such as financial and personnel records are covered under general retention and disposal authorities compiled by State Records authorities and federal legislation.

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