Mass Media Homework Help

What is mass media?
Mass media is a collective term for all the media technologies which helps in disseminating large chunks of information to a large group of audience at one time. The other term for this type of communication is mass communication. There are a number of stations or in other words, outlets through which these mass communication is processed. There are broadly five types of mass media: Broadcast media, Print Media, Internet media, Outdoor media and Public Media.
What are the different forms of mass media?
The main forms of mass media are:
1. Broadcast media: This form of media includes radio and television. The television and radio programs are distributed via common frequency bands using various ends of ranges, bandwidths, the types of receivers and transmitters. It is one of the most widely used form of mass media as the mediums of broadcast media, radio and television, both are found in abundance in every part and has become an integral part of our lives. Television and radio has become a source of information as well as entertainment for the people. Hence, making it a strong source for mass communication and disseminating messages to a larger audience in a short span of time.
2. Films: Another form of mass media is filmography. It is also called motion picture format. Films are considered a universal language for mass communication as a film educates, entertains, enlightens, change opinions of audiences and also inspires them. Films can be of different types, like a feature movie, fiction movie, non-fiction or documentary movie, animation movie and abstract movies.
3. Internet: One of the most specialized thing that have boomed up in recent times is the usage of internet. Every other people is on the internet at the moment, doing various kind of things, like surfing the net, listening songs, doing social media, playing games, watching online videos, etc. Internet have become a persuasive as well as opinion generating podium for people. Internet carries millions and billions of data regarding information about almost anything existing or that existed in this planet. It is a vast web of unlimited information, that’s why it is called ‘World Wide Web’. Social media nowadays is big phenomena and is a great source of mass media. Social media acts as a catalyst to change in society’s mindsets. There are also various parts in Internet mass communication such as:
- Blogs
- Articles
- RSS Feeds
- Podcasts
- Online Polls and Surveys
4. Print Media: Print media is the oldest form of mass media. It consists of newspapers and magazines. Newspapers are a very effective form of mass communication as it reaches every part of the world, and doing it for more than a 100 years. Newspapers and magazines, both are one of the most trusted source of information and hence the messages directed in them influences the mass audiences very neatly and without any doubt or confusion. Newspapers are published daily, whereas magazines can be bi-weekly, weekly, monthly or bi-monthly.
5. Outdoor media: Outdoor media consists of signboards, billboards, placards, flyers, etc. Outdoor media has an advantage of their own. This type of media consists of short messages and interesting visuals compelling the readers and viewers to persuade on the first lookout. Long messages on a bill board or a signboard is only a waste, as the viewer has only about 5 to 7 seconds window to look and understand the message. Outdoor media is also very helpful in extremely poor towns and villages where access to any other media is not possible. Outdoor media acts as helping hand for them.

What is the main purpose of mass media?
There are three main purposes of mass media and communication:
Entertainment: In earlier times it was street plays, theatre plays, orchestra clubs and nowadays it their films, music, musicals, TV shows and the forms of mass media, all having the same purpose, that is entertaining the audience.
Advocacy: Advocacy can involve both social references as well as business references. Advertising, Infotainment which is a mix of information and entertainment, marketing, political references and public relations.
Public Service Announcements: These are basically emergency alerts or any other important service messages by government.
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