Get Professional Hive Homework Help Services from Experts
Hive which is also known as Apache Hive is one of the software tools which are used for data warehousing works. After its initial development by Facebook, it is being developed by many companies for easy working of their codes in SQL based projects. With the use of Hadoop in most of the systems used by a big corporation in the current era, there has been an increase in professionals who are well versed with the Hive as well as Hadoop systems to increase the efficiency of the codes used in these big companies. With the increase in demand for these skilled professionals, most of the colleges around the globe try to teach the basics of Hive to all students. As Hive is an open-source software it can be implemented for any company without needing to pay anything makes it attractive. There are also other benefits of using Hive. Since it is compatible with SQL which is widely used the companies make using this software much easier than its counterparts. Also, the various other functions make it much better than SQL and hence is in demand in the current era.
Hence there has been a surge in demand for Hive Assignment Help Services all around the world. For the students, it is not easy to learn any new language as they have to learn a variety of syntax and processes which makes it incredibly difficult for students. On top of that professors give students a variety of assignments in the form of research papers, essay writing on certain topics, the case study of certain scenarios, and dissertation of topics. These all make it difficult for students to complete their studies as well as assignments on time as both are time-consuming. For help, these students get in touch with professionals who are more than willing to work for them to complete their assignments. Online assignment help providers have well-experienced professionals who have plenty of experience to complete these types of assignments for these students and reduce their workload.
Basic topics of HIVE assignments given to students at Urgenthomework
Since Hive has a vast syllabus and use, there are several topics on which the assignments can be given. But according to our experts, some topics are hard and complex and need to be done by professionals so that students can get good marks in their assignments. There are important topics and sub-topics which are needed to be completed to solve many of these types of assignments and also there are many ways in which these assignments can be completed. Given below are some of the most basic types of assignments that students are generally outsourcing so that they have time to study.
Analysis under Apache Hive and Big Data Query: This is generally done to convert the various data present in the software into information that can be used by the client. These types of assignments require students to get the proper visualization of the data given to them and produce queries per the university guidelines and also produce the correct output. Students also need to be careful to follow the marking scheme of the university as even if they complete the assignments and the output is correct, if they do not follow the university guidelines and marking scheme, their score will be deducted for not following the same.
Creation of database and tables in Hive: As a database has to be created to store all the raw data provided by any client, database creation is one of the most important topics in Hive. The database should be created in a way such that all the data can be handled properly and the database is redundant to any common types of issues. This requires students to have a clear understanding of the knowledge of the database creation and the syntaxes and functions of Hive. Also, the tables which are generally used in the database along with their references should be defined correctly for the database to work properly.
Get The Best Features and Grades With Hive Assignment Help Services
Well, Hive is one of the most used data storage systems which is currently being used by most of the big companies all around the globe. Also, many small companies are shifting to Hive due to its various features. The various features of Hive are given below:
- It supports many different types of storage like plain text, ORC, HBase, RCFile, and many others.
- Relational Database Management System is the place where most of the database metadata is stored which decreases the time required for any type of query execution.
- The Hadoop efficiency is increased more with the use of algorithms
- For SQL database, HiveQL is used to reduce the conversion of codes from SQL to Hive.
There are many other advantages but it is not feasible to write all the advantages here.
Why choose us for Apache Hive Homework Help Online at Urgenthomework?
We at Urgenthomework provide online assignment help to all students all across the world. We are the best online assignment help provider in Hive. We have helped more than 15000 students all across the world with a customer satisfaction rate of more than 9.5 which is fairly high in this industry. The various advantages are given below:
Highly competitive experts: We hire experts all across the world, who are from prestigious colleges all across the world and are best in their respective fields. Also, they have plenty of experience which makes them the best person for these types of assignments. They use efficient methods and make sure that students get good marks in their assignments.
On-Time Delivery: We make sure that students get their completed assignments on time which they are most comfortable with. We let the students decide the date on which they want their completed assignments and make sure that students get ample time to revise their assignments and ask us about their doubts if they have any.
Proofreading services: The proofreading services which are provided to students are free of cost and we make sure that there are no grammatical mistakes that could make the report look bad to the professors.
24*7 customer service Help: We have a 24*7 customer care help team that makes sure that all the queries and issues of the students are resolved on time. This increases the confidence of the students in us.
Sample Hive Homework Help Solved by Experts
2. Write Hive queries that are the equivalent of the pig scripts you wrote for steps 3 and 4 of the Pig assignment. Your task is to write the equivalent Hive queries and capture the output of running the scripts. See below -- Load only the ad_data1 and ad_data2 directories data = LOAD '/user/grdsmith7083/ad_data[1-2]' AS (campaign_id:chararray, date:chararray, time:chararray, keyword:chararray, display_site:chararray, placement:chararray, was_clicked:int, cpc:int); -- Include only records where the ad was clicked clicked = FILTER data BY was_clicked == 1; -- A: Group the data by the 'keyword' field grouped = GROUP clicked BY keyword; -- Create relation with 'keyword' and sum of click cost total_cost_grouped = FOREACH grouped GENERATE group AS keyword, SUM(clicked.cpc) AS total_cost; -- B: Sort the new relation in descending order of cost total_cost_grouped = ORDER total_cost_grouped BY total_cost DESC; -- C: Display just the first five records to the screen top_5 = LIMIT total_cost_grouped 5; DUMP top_5; -- A: This glob loads only the ad_data1 and ad_data2 directories data = LOAD '/user/grdsmith7083/ad_data[1-2]/' AS (campaign_id:chararray, date:chararray, time:chararray, keyword:chararray, display_site:chararray, placement:chararray, was_clicked:int, cpc:int); -- B: Includes only records where the ad was clicked clicked = FILTER data BY was_clicked == 1; -- C: Groups the data by the 'display_site' field grouped = GROUP clicked BY display_site; -- D: Creates relation with 'display_site' and sum of click cost total_cost_grouped = FOREACH grouped GENERATE group AS display_site, SUM(clicked.cpc) AS total_cost; -- E: Sorts the new relation in ascending order of cost total_cost_grouped = ORDER total_cost_grouped BY total_cost ASC; -- F: Displays just the first three records to the screen top_3 = LIMIT total_cost_grouped 3; DUMP top_3;