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How to prepare for the DA-100 exam?

About DA-100 Exam

Exam DA-100 is the best role-based exam, and the associate level certifications for the Data Analysts that is under the hierarchy of Azure certification, and also this exam is about Analyzing the data with power Business Intelligence that is the replacement for an exam 70-778 that mainly get Analyzing, and Visualizing the data with the Microsoft Business Intelligence. Becoming a Microsoft certified Data Analyst is the best smarter career which would always help, and support the people in moving up.

Data Analysts generally get enable the businesses to effectively get maximize up the value of the data assets through using the Microsoft Power BI, and effectively-being as the best subject matter experts the data analysts are generally responsible for designing as well as get building up the best scalable models, and the cleaning as well as transforming data source, and with this also effectively get enabling the advanced major analytic best capabilities which generally provides the best meaning business as through an easy-to-comprehend the visualizations for the data source, and the Data Analysts also get collaborating with the key stakeholders across the verticals for effectively get delivering the best relevant, and authentic best insights which are mainly based on the identified best requirements of the business. The data analysts should have a basic fundamental understanding of the data repositories, and the processing of data that is based on the major cloud premises.

A pattern of DA-100 Exam

An audience of DA-100 Exam

The Exam DA-100 Analyzing the data with the Microsoft Power BI is aimed at having Data Analysts who want to validate up their best authentic skills, and for this, the candidates should have a fundamental understanding of the data repositories, and the processing of data that is generally get required for both 0n-premises, and in the cloud.

The score for passing the examination: The score required for passing the exam is 700 Marks out of 1,000 Marks.

Format, Duration, and Number of questions of Exam: The duration of the examination of DA-100 Exam is for 180 minutes, and it has approx. 40 to 60 questions. The format of the DA-100 Exam includes multiple-choice questions, in which the student has to select 1 correct answer with have 4 choices.

Are there some courses available for the DA-100 Exam?

The Microsoft learning paths that provide some free online courses to gain the skills, and major capabilities that are needed to effectively become certified, and the learning path best videos generally cover the following topics which are mainly as follows:

  • Getting started with the Microsoft data Analytics
  • Prepare data for analytics.
  • Model data in the Power BI.
  • Visualize data in the Power BI.
  • Data Analysis in the Power BI.

Udemy has a course that mainly covers the best authentic content that is required for the DA-Q00 certification exams, current as per the updation of the exam on 27/Jan/2021.

Best recommended books for the exam DA-100.

  • Exam ref DA-100 Analyzing with the Microsoft Power BI 1st edition: This is the reference book by Daniil Maslyuk, and this Ref Exam is the official study guide for the new Microsoft DA-100 Analyzing Data with the Microsoft Power BI certification exam. The user can pre-order this book at Amazon.com
  • The definitive guide to DAX Second Edition: This is a reference book by Alberto Ferrari Marco Russo, as DAX is the more intensive topic from the exam point of view, and this is more comprehensive, and the authoritative guide to the DAX language which will be more useful to get prepare for and for passing the exam.
  • Microsoft Power BI Quick Start Guide 2nd edition: This is the book by Devin Knight, and the book provides an accessible fast-paced introduction for all main aspects of Power BI for the new, and aspiring BI professionals who want to get up and run with Microsoft Power BI.

Preparation strategy for DA-100 Exam

Finding a study partner or a study group: Finding a study partner or a study group is to stay accountable for continuing one’s progress, and the students can also find a study group on a larger platform like on Twitter social media channel and could connect with the best tutor.

Get reviewing the content of the exam: For this, firstly understanding the scope of the DA-100 Exam, and effectively get preparing for this exam would surely make the user a better data analyst, and business intelligence professional.

Running through the dashboard in a day: Microsoft has built and maintained up the dashboard for the course which generally gets enhanced a self-placed relevant training that is known as the Dashboard in a Day. The dashboard in a day training content generally get offers a great data set which the user could effectively use for future tinkering, and also for the hands-on experience after it finished up its self-placed main portion.

Completing the learning path of DA-100: The self-placed main modules for Microsoft are generally provided for free which are so comprehensive, and rich with real-world examples, and the learning modules generally get offers robust lab portions for building a relevant solution, as for this, all the user requires is to navigate the homepage of DA-100, and get seeing up all the available modules, and they should complete each module, take every mini-quiz.

Purchasing, and scheduling for DA-100 Exam: At before scheduling up for the exam, one needs to consider purchasing an “Exam Replay” from the Microsoft certification ideals hub.

Knowing about what is expected with the DA-100 Exam: The user must know about the structure of the DA-200 Exam:

Two case studies: At once the students are advanced then they can’t go back, and for this, they majorly expect lots of extraneous details, and they at firstly read the questions, and then explore the exhibit, and datasets as before answering questions.

Typical multiple-choice questions.

Fill in the blanks in the form of DAX Formulas with the key.

Get arranging the steps towards getting solving the problem-related data, and either through creating a report element.

The exam is mainly divided into 5 major parts

  • Preparing data: 20 to 25%
  • Model the data:25 to 30%
  • Visualizing data:20 to 25%
  • Analyzing the data:10 to 15%
  • Deploying as well as get maintaining the deliverables: 10 to 15%

This is an online exam for 180 minutes, and the exam mainly consists of two sections is one section includes the Multiple choice questions, and the other section includes the case studies, and there are around 45 to 50 Multiple choice questions in section1, and 2 to 3 questions each in the case studies, and the passing marks in the overall exam is 700 marks, and this exam is not so tough to clear if the students have covered all learning study materials.

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