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Health promotion case study solution | Case Study Sample

Katie is a 13-year-old teenager staying with her mother and siblings. As per the case study, it indicates that she is has unhealthy eating habits and lacks physical activities due to her liabilities.

She has not taken any vaccination since her kindergarten which is a matter of concern. As per the CDC guidelines a child of her age should take the following vaccinations which includes annual DTaP vaccine (Diptheria, tetanus and pertussis), Polio (IPV), MMR (Measles, mumps and rubella), annual Influenza flu vaccination, HPV vaccine, Chicken pox vaccination and Meningoccal conjugate vaccine (Fraser et al, 2016).

As per my observations, it seems Katie is at a high risk of developing obesity and she has a family history of high cholesterol and heart diseases which can be dangerous for her in the future. To prevent all of that primarily her check BMI needs to be calculated. If the calculations indicate obesity, then careful measures have to be taken to prevent her. Few areas of recommended health promotion need to be discussed with Katie and her family. She is reported to have unhealthy food habits. She needs to consume healthy foods. Her habit of regular intake of fast food should be either stopped or controlled. Intake of sugar and fat containing food should be limited and motivated for engaging into physical activities. She has been observed to spend most of her times in playing video games and watching TV, instead of that she should be encouraged to be involved into active pastimes (Obese, 2016; Hills, Dengel & Lubans, 2015).

In order to improve her nutritional status, as mentioned above she should control her diet and limit intake of fast foods that contain fats and high sugar. Instead she should increase uptake of foods that include fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and whole grains (Goodroe, Patrick & Brech, 2018).

In many countries, injury is one of the top reasons of death in children. Identification of the factors that lead to injury in children and explaining them to the children is important. Children should be educated about the risk factors that lead to physical injury and the alternative ways that can prevent injury. Same discussion should be done with Katie. She should be explained about the cognitive factors such as danger estimation, credence regarding personal infirmity for injury, and characteristics for injury. Similarly, emotional factors such as avoiding fear, looking for excitement and enjoyment often leads to decisions that causes various health and physical injuries like up taking of drugs, alcohols and smoking. Katie should be informed and explained regarding such situations and how risky these activities can be which lead to harming her life and her future. She should be explained that discussing these issues can give her alternative solutions which will help her prevent risks (Britto, 2017; Morrongiello, McArthur & Spence, 2016).

As parents, the responsibility lies a lot on them. They can be the role models for their children. In Katie’s case, her mother is her role model. So, in order to give a healthy life to Katie, her mother should also lead a healthy life and encourage her daughter to do so as well. Her mother should encourage her to have healthy foods and participate in physically active activities. Her mother should also be active enough, so that her daughter gets the motivation. The responsibility of educating the value of healthy food and active life lies greatly on the school. The school should also educate children like Katie about the risk factor that can lead injury and should also conceal the children regarding how the risks can be prevented. Lastly, as a client or a patient, Katie herself needs to understand the value of healthy life herself and she need to loyally engage herself towards a healthy life so that she could continue having a bright future and a long healthy life (Morrongiello et al, 2016; StGeorge, 2015).


Britto, P. R., Lye, S. J., Proulx, K., Yousafzai, A. K., Matthews, S. G., Vaivada, T., ... & MacMillan, H. (2017). Nurturing care: promoting early childhood development. The Lancet, 389(10064), 91-102.

Fraser, A., Williams, S. E., Kong, S., Wells, L., Goodall, L., Pit, S., ... & Trent, M. (2016). Public Health Amendment (Vaccination of Children Attending Child Care Facilities) Act 2013: its impact in the Northern Rivers, NSW. Public health research & practice.

Goodroe, A. C., Patrick, K., & Brech, D. (2018). Effects of Nutrition and Physical Activity Intervention in Improving Children's BMI-for-Age Percentiles.

Hills, A. P., Dengel, D. R., & Lubans, D. R. (2015). Supporting public health priorities: recommendations for physical education and physical activity promotion in schools. Progress in cardiovascular diseases , 57(4), 368-374.

Morrongiello, B. A., Bell, M., Park, K., & Pogrebtsova, K. (2016). Evaluation of the Safety Detective Program: A classroom-based intervention to increase kindergarten children’s understanding of home safety hazards and injury-risk behaviors to avoid. Prevention science, 17(1), 102-111.

Morrongiello, B. A., McArthur, B. A., & Spence, J. R. (2016). Understanding gender differences in childhood injuries: Examining longitudinal relations between parental reactions and boys’ versus girls’ injury-risk behaviors. Health psychology, 35(6), 523.

Obese, H. W. O. (2016). Body Mass Index (BMI). Obesity Research, 6(2), 51S-209S.

StGeorge, J., Fletcher, R., Freeman, E., Paquette, D., & Dumont, C. (2015). Father–child interactions and children's risk of injury. Early Child Development and Care, 185(9), 1409-1421.

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