Recruitment scene gets hot during summers. The graduating class of Job market candidates, as well as freshers, will be bee-lining on the doors of potential recruiters to apply for jobs and internships. If recruitment experts are to be believed, on an average 250 job applications are received for each job opening. Yet each CV receives a meager 5-7 seconds of attention from recruiters. These 6 seconds of resume screening is the only time you get to leave a lasting impression on the minds of your recruiters, that can make or break your chances of getting a dream role in your dream company.
To be exceptional, you need to have a way of presenting differently than just a paper file, to make the interview panelists or jury members take a second look at your information, and be tempted to select you. We do not recommend sending an Elle-Woods style video clip to your recruiters but a little catchy resume design idea to demonstrate your skills and qualifications would not hurt.
Here are 10 easy to do yet creative resume presentation ideas that will grab the attention of your potential recruiters and can land you your dream role.
- Re-design the Mario game and be the game.
Design a game like Mario, and depict yourself as the Mario man, running and winning different levels. Here the ‘levels’ represent the achievements you have made so far, your qualifications and skills will be the arms and special powers you attain at each level, such as ‘Achieved level; Bachelor’s of Engineering in Electronics, skills attained: technical knowledge plus organisational experience with 2 internships’.
- Route map navigation ideas for the jury panel
Show the interview/jury panel as a group finding a destination, and design a 3d model-like a navigation path, with signals telling your strengths and achievements. And obviously, show yourself as the destination to be reached.
- ‘Block print’ your targets and skills
Get blocks made out of wood designed especially with the words chosen for your resume. With the block printing method, imprint them over fabric and embellish it with few images printed of your products or skills as the border. It will become an awe-inspiring fabric collection, exclusively focusing on your persona through the words you have chosen to represent yourself.
- Play the Rapid fire!
Prepare a video of someone interviewing you in the form of Rapid fire round, wherein you have to answer about your past work experiences, skills and success as one-liners or one word. Also your professional goals with strengths to achieve them with your passions and prowess that your personality demonstrate. Commitment and integrity are to be the key parameters of what you practice and profess in the business and your world. Practice your communication skills and coordination with the interviewer/jury member well beforehand.
- Kaleidoscope or binoculars showcasing your creativity and achievements
Devise binoculars or a kaleidoscope, wherein by changing the lens or the glass of the object shows different screens inside, with your profile and details written on them. Keep in mind that it should neither be too heavy nor fragile. One glass or lens can be used to show your school records and then swiping another into the kaleidoscope, you move to discuss your college results and achievements.
- Employee the savior- an animated video
Craft an animated video which displays you as a superhuman, who solves situations with his assets and skills, which are shown as the ‘superpowers’ gifted to you. This can be displayed as an advertisement too, to show how skilled you are at performing various tasks and what makes you different from others.
- Wikipedia research page displaying you as the searched person
Design a webpage outlook like that of the Wikipedia, where it shows your profile and details as the person searched there. Mail it to the company, and open the mail or link in front of the interview/jury panel. Surely, their feet will be swept off the floor, for they will keep wondering about it for some time.
- Comic time!
When it’s time to become a comic character then create a short comic book showing dialogues carrying information about you. Add a little humor with few catchy lines and your creation stands distinct from the rest.
- Package your ideas as a beauty product
Showcase your profile as the packaging of a beauty product, where the ‘ingredients’ are actually your strengths and experiences so far. Add a fancy caption showing as you are the solution to enhance the reputed ‘beauty’ of the company.
- Brochure designing
Present yourself as you are an industry, and prepare a brochure discussing the ‘industry’s history, goals and specializations. Add your pictures performing various tasks at your work, which will give it a real look.
Such kind of creative and out-of-the-box ways to present yourself will surely surprise the recruiters and might save your resume some chances from landing in the trash with 248 others.