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AURTTM004 Assemble engine blocks and sub-assemblies question answers

Assessment 1 – Questioning – Written Assessment

Student Name

Student ID Number

Date of Birth

Unit Start Date

Assessment Due Date

Date Submitted

This cover sheet is to be completed by the student and assessor and used as a record to determine student competency in this assessment task

The assessment process and tasks were fully explained.

Yes / No

I am aware of which evidence will be collected and how.

Yes / No

I am aware of my right to appeal an assessment decision.

Yes / No

I am aware that I can locate the RTO’s Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure on their website at (www.skills.qld.edu.au)

Yes / No

I have discussed any additional educational support or reasonable adjustments I require in order to undertake this assessment with the Student Support Services Officer and Trainer / Assessor, (if applicable). e.g. Student Handbook and Access and Equity Policy (www.skills.qld.edu.au)

Yes / No

I have access to all required resources?

Yes / No

Cheating & Plagiarism Declaration

Student Declaration: In accordance with the RTO’s Plagiarism Policy, I hereby acknowledge by signing this declaration that I have not cheated or plagiarised any work regarding the assessment tasks undertaken in this unit of competency except where the work has been correctly acknowledged.

NOTE: Student must sign this prior to submitting their assessments to the assessor



/ / 20

Assessment Results

Satisfactory or Not Yet Satisfactory

(Please circle the assessment result for this task)

Feedback to Student - Please provide general feedback on the Student’s performance

Student Declaration: - I verify that the work completed is my own and that I was adequately informed of the assessment process prior to commencing this assessment task.

Assessor Declaration: - I verify that I have adequately explained and negotiated the assessment tasks with the student prior to commencing assessment.

Student Signature

Assessor Signature



Context and Conditions of Assessment

This assessment will ensure that the elements, performance criteria, performance evidence and knowledge evidence required and conditions are adhered to demonstrate competency in this unit assessment task.

• Read the assessment carefully before commencing.

• This is an open book assessment and will be conducted at the RTO address.

• Your Assessor will use the assessment criteria in this document and will provide feedback/comments.

• You must answer all the questions in the assessment tasks in your own words and own handwriting.

• This assessment will be required to be completed in 8 hours

• Your Trainer / Assessor will inform you of the due date for this assessment task.

• Your Assessor will grade as either S – Satisfactory or NS – Not Satisfactory for the assessment. In all cases, your Assessor will provide you with feedback.

• Only when all assessment tasks have been graded as S – Satisfactory you will be deemed C – Competent in the final result of the unit of competency; if you do not satisfactorily complete all the assessment tasks you will be deemed NYC – Not Yet Competent.

Re-Assessment Conditions

• If the evidence is graded as NS – Not Satisfactory you will be required to re-submit the evidence. In this case, you will be provided with clear and constructive feedback based on the assessment decision so that they can improve your skills/knowledge prior to reassessment.

• Where an ‘NS – Not Satisfactory’ judgment is made, you will be given guidance on steps to take to improve your performance and provided the opportunity to resubmit evidence to demonstrate competence. The assessor will determine and discuss the reasons for NS – Not satisfactory on any of the criteria and will assess you through a different method of assessment e.g. verbal/oral questioning, problem-solving exercises.

• You will be notified within 10 working days of undertaking an assessment of their result in achieving competency o If a student does not complete the assessment, they should notify their trainer as to why they did not complete the assessment and if due to illness, a medical certificate must be produced. “This process is detailed more in the “Training and Assessment Policy and Procedure”

o In the above scenario, the student will be given an opportunity for reassessment within 5 working days with no reassessment fee charged.

o Students who are deemed to be Not Yet Competent (NYC) will be provided with information identifying the areas in which they failed to achieve competency. Students will then have the opportunity to repeat the assessment task within 5 working days of notification with no reassessment fee charged.

o If a student is deemed NYC in the reassessment or if the student did not approach the RTO within five working days with a valid reason for not availing themselves of the reassessment opportunity, then those students will be given a final chance to re-sit the assessment and will be charged at $200.00.

o After this, no further reassessment attempt will be provided to the student and the student will be required to repeat the whole unit with the full fee for the unit as per the fees policy of the RTO. The student will be made aware of the impact of repeating the unit may have on their student visa.

o If a student is found to be cheating or plagiarising their assessment, a $200.00 reassessment fee will be charged for reassessing the assessment within 5 working days.

o If the student is found to be plagiarising or cheating again after the conclusion of the Intervention meeting with the Course Co-ordinator, the matter will be referred to the CEO / Operation Manager which may result in the suspension or cancellation of their enrolment

o The RTO has intervention strategies, including student support services available to enable students to complete a qualification in the expected time frame. Students at risk of not completing within this time frame are identified as early as possible and an intervention strategy is put in place.

The RTO will ensure access to:

• Resources required for completion of this assessment task such as:

• - classroom and study areas

• - access to additional resources and references for research and completing the questions

Evidence to be submitted by the student: -

• Completed written responses to the questions in the assessment task

Assessment Decision-Making Rules

Your assessor will assess the evidence submitted for the following elements, performance criteria, performance evidence, and knowledge evidence to confirm that the student evidence submitted demonstrates validity, sufficiency, authenticity, and confirms current skills and knowledge relevant to the unit of competency.

Your assessor will be looking for the following in this assessment task: -

• techniques for assisting customers, including: o effective questioning o active listening o building rapport o explaining clear options o making recommendations o finalizing contact

• customer service standards and practices relevant to automotive workplaces, including: o greeting and farewelling customers

o recording customer requirements and inquiries o customer service delivery standards o contact and follow-up procedures

• indicators of customer dissatisfaction, including verbal and non-verbal cues

• techniques for resolving customer problems, including procedures for complaint escalation

• key legal requirements relating to customer rights as a consumer, and business obligations under Australian Consumer Law (ACL)

• procedures for making referrals relating to: o customer dissatisfaction

o suppliers of other products and services

• key features and benefits of workplace-specific products and services

• techniques for undertaking basic calculations to provide information to customers relating to quantities, timeframes, and delivery of automotive products and services.

Assessment 1 – Questioning

Written Assessment

  1. What should be used for lifting heavy engine blocks and sub-assemblies?
  1. Select the correct personal protective equipment when using chemical cleaning agents and working on engine blocks

  1. Explain the procedures for using the following equipment:
  1. Use the SDS supplied and answer the following: Give the handling procedures for liquid nitrogen
  1. Explain the techniques and safety requirements when lifting an engine block out of a vehicle
  1. Give 5 safety checks that should be conducted on a sling and chain before use
  1. Where would you locate information for the trapping, storing and disposing of cleaning fluids
  1. Explain how you would check the alignment of a connecting rod
  1. What is meant by the term ‘bearing crush’ and how is it measured

10a. Failure to ensure proper piston ring end gap clearance may cause

  1. Ring tips to butt and engine damage could occur.
  2. Connecting rods to bend and engine failure
  3. Pistons to hit valves
  4. Lack of engine power

10b. Explain piston ring back clearance and how it is adjusted

10c. Explain piston ring side clearance, and how it is adjusted

11a. Explain in detail how you would measure bearing oil clearance with plastigage

11b. Explain the procedure for measuring and calculating clearances for crankshaft bearing endplay?

  1. Why is it important to have correct thrust bearing clearance?
  1. Explain the procedures for measuring camshaft end play clearance

14a. For what reason is it not acceptable to use a micrometer to measure camshaft high lobe duration?

14b. Complete the sentence below using the correct words for the list below pushrod, camshaft, cam, feeler gauges, shims, spanners, crankshaft

Mechanical _______followers with a ________riding above them may use ______to adjust the valves

  1. Camshaft end float is measured using a?
  1. Micrometre
  2. Vernier
  3. Dial gauge
  4. Telescopic gauges

  1. If the Correct crankshaft end float cannot be achieved, your first choice should be
  1. Order different thickness trust bearings
  2. Have the crankshaft ground by professional machinists
  3. Use wet and dry sandpaper to remove bearing material
  4. Purchase a new crankshaft
  5. Both A & B

  1. What is the reason for backlash in gear sets?

18a. What type of seal is used to seal the surface plates of an oil pump

18b. Why is it important to have clearance between oil pipe pickup piping filter and the sump surface?

  1. Explain the cleaning procedures for an engine block
  1. Explain the procedure for removing and replacing welsh plugs and oil gallery plugs
  1. Name the components in the piston and connecting rod assemblies
  1. Explain why this is the importance of checking big end bearings inserts spread and crush when overhauling an engine.

23a. Name the piston rings in the picture below

23b. Explain the procedures for using a ring compressor when fitting pistons into a cylinder bore

  1. The most important measurement requirement when installing main bearings and thrust washers would be
  1. Crankshaft main journal diameter
  2. Crankshaft oil clearance and end float
  3. Crankshaft piston journal size
  4. Crankshaft gear backlash
  1. Explain the procedure for checking end float of a semi-flanged trust bearing
  1. How would you protect a crankshaft bearings, rings or bores from damage while inserting a piston into a cylinder bore
  1. Explain what is meant by the term finishing of camshafts and bearings

28a. Adjustments of solid direct tappet cam followers is by

  1. Using an adjusting screw or bolts until the desire gap is produced
  2. Adding or removing shim plates until the desire gap is produced
  3. Grinding the camshaft lobe to suit until the desire gap is produced
  4. Grinding the bottom of the cam follower until the desire gap is produced

28b. You can change a camshaft in an engine, to improve valve action

True / False

  1. Complete the sentence below using the correct words for the list below

Timing chain, oil pump, fuel pump, pistons, camshaft, marks, timing, driving,

While installing the crankshaft ________gear you will need to be setting up the ______ ______ for the_________, crankshaft and ______ _____

Explain how a (spring-loaded engine chain tensioner) adjusts for wear within the chain and guides

31a. Complete the sentence below using the correct words for the list below

Blood, machine, pump, defects, discarded, pump, gaskets, tool, correctly, warps re-used, engine

The oil _______is the life _______of the engine, it must be checked for ________and wear, if in doubt ___________and fit a new_______, making sure all “o”rings, _______, and piping and oil pump pick-up fitted ________

32b. Explain the purpose of oil squirters in an engine

  1. Why are balance shafts fitted to some four-stroke engines
  1. Explain how to install a rear main oil seal, using a seal installation tool without causing damage
  1. Before tightening the oil pan housing bolts
  1. Pull and/or push the oil pan back and forth as necessary to get it as even as possible
  2. Hammer the oil pan housing to make sure its level
  3. Pull down the housing using all bolts until it seats correctly
  4. Use an impact gun to tighten the bolts evenly
  1. Older model diesel fuel injection pumps require
  1. No timing procedures
  2. Accurate timing procedures
  3. Timing to number 4 cylinder on TDC
  4. Timing to number 1 cylinder on BDC
  1. Why is it important to cleaned and check oil coolers before installation to a new engine?
  1. What checks would you conduct on a crankshaft pully before installing it to an engine
  1. Give 5 reasons you would need to service or replace a flywheel
  1. Why alignment of a bell housing important when bolted to an engine?
  1. Using the Australian Standards 4182

When reconditioning an engine what are the standards for lubrication system

  1. Using the Australian Standards 4427

What is the procedures for water and oil expandable plugs when reconditioning an engine block as stated in the Standards 4427

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