BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes Assessment 3
Learner Instructions 3
(Manage staff induction)
Performance objective
You must demonstrate your ability to manage an induction process.
Assessment description
Using the case study organisation from assessment task 1, you, as a Department Manager for Healthcare United, will develop and write a set of guidelines for a oneday induction program, in consultation with your Senior Manager (your assessor).
Guidelines need to be consistent with Healthcare United’s policies and procedures, and comply with relevant legislation.
You will then deliver the induction program to your newly employed staff member from assessment task 2 (your assessor), conduct training for another manager involved in induction process (your assessor), provide feedback, and gather performance feedback on the induction program.
- Using the case study organisation from assessment task 1, draft Healthcare United’s induction guidelines. In the guidelines, include a policy statement, objectives, program outline, procedures and documents for each stage of the induction process, making sure it complies with Healthcare United’s policies and procedures, and with relevant legislation. Following this:
- Consult with your Senior Manager (your assessor) for feedback on the guidelines (to take no longer than 15 minutes).
- Refine and edit the guidelines.
- Ensure all sources are referenced correctly.
- Write a final copy of the guidelines following the format stated in Appendix
- Provide training and ongoing support for another Manager (your assessor) who is involved in staff induction processes. This should include training on the guidelines you developed and include a check (by confirming the Managers knowledge on the process) that induction processes are followed across the organisation. The training and support should take no longer than 15 minutes.
- Induct your new staff member from assessment task 2, using your guidelines. Ensure you:
- Oversee management of probationary employees and provide them with feedback until their employment is confirmed or terminated
- Obtain feedback from induction participants (your assessor) and relevant managers (your assessor) on the extent the induction process is meeting its objectives
Note: Collect evidence of the above such as training plans, performance reports, scorecards, emails. Also note that the induction should take no longer than 20 minutes.
- Make adjustments to guidelines in response to feedback from your Senior Manager, fellow Manager, and inductee.
- Submit documentation as per specifications below.
You will need to:
- Submit induction guidelines drafts: original and later drafts refined after consulting with your Senior Manager (your assessor). The consultation/meeting should take no longer than 15 minutes.
- Submit evidence of providing access to training and ongoing support for another Manager involved in staff induction (your assessor). This should take no longer than 15 minutes.
- Submit evidence of providing feedback to your Senior Manager, fellow Manager and Inductee, such as emails or organisational reports.
- Submit evidence of gathering feedback from your Senior Manager, fellow Manager and Inductee (your assessor) for the purpose of monitoring the performance of the induction program, such as organisational reporting
- Induct your new staff member (your assessor). This is expected to take no longer than 20 minutes.
Your assessor will be looking for evidence of:
- Writing skills to prepare guidelines that are complete, clearly written in plain English with all sources correctly referenced using in-text referencing or footnotes and a bibliography. They must be presented in the form of a bound document and adhere closely to the format.
- Planning skills to develop logical processes
- Work skills to operate effectively within constraints set by business strategy and objectives, policy, and the external legislative requirements
Appendix 1: Format for guidelines
- Title page
- Contents
- Introduction:
- brief organisation profile
induction policy statement and objectives.
- Induction program:
- program outline with session titles, facilitators, location, times, methods of delivery
induction toolkit contents checklist
induction process checklist evaluation form.
- Induction training and support:
- objectives based on organisational policy
training tasks
list of staff and methods for training staff
checklists for facilitating training training evaluation form.
- Overseeing of probationary employees:
- objectives based on organisational policy
probation procedure
checklist for procedure
probation process evaluation form.
- Appendix:
- BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes Assessment 3s
- sample documentation
- bibliography.